In honor of the upcoming Chaney Blogathon …
I thought it appropriate to offer you this peek into Roger Corman’s slant on H.P. Lovecraft’s short story “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward”,using an Edgar Allan Poe title…Starring Vincent Price and… screenplay by Charles Beaumont!
Co-staring our very special man of the month Lon Chaney Jr. as Simon Orne.
“Carrying on a family tradition of masterful motion picture horror!”

Haunting you all month- MonsterGirl
Joey, as always, you have a wonderful flair for wry ballyhoo in your nifty classic coming attractions! Vincent Price and pals sure know how to get audiences hot under the collar! :-D Great post, dear Jo, as always! Just so you know, you and the gang will see little of me this weekend, as Team Bartilucci will be at the New York Comic Con this weekend! Hope everyone has a frightfully fabulous time!
Dori my girl- I wish I could make it to the Comic Con this weekend. Gee wiz… Have a marvelous time there. And thanks again for your kind words as always you have been the undying beacon of support for my little blog. Yes, Vincent Price and company deliver a wallop of a Gothic tale of horror with flair. I get to spend my weekend, hopefully catching up on reading and writing and down time with the family… Enjoy your jaunt into NYC- Your Pal Joey
Oh Dor—-Get me William Shatner’s autograph please…….!!!!!!!!!! There’s a blogathon in the making isn’t there. You either think he’s the king of emotive cheese or you adore the man and prolific background, even the spoken songster.
I am an adorer…. Have fun at the NYCC…