Postcards From Shadowland No.12

baby doll 2
Baby Doll (1956) Elia Kazan directs Carroll Baker, Eli Wallach, Karl Malden and Mildred Dunnock as Aunt Rose Comfort
Cummings and Robert (Saboteur)
Robert Cummings and Priscilla Lane in Alfred Hitchcock’s Saboteur (1942)
Brighton Rock
Richard Attenborough in director John Boulting’s British Noir Brighton Rock (1947)
David Wayne in Jospeh Losey's version of M (1951
David Wayne in Jospeh Losey’s version of M (1951)
F W Murnau's Faust
F.W. Murnau’s Faust (1926)
Franju  Nuits rouges (1974)
George Franju Judex (1963)
Gloria in The Big Heat
Gloria Grahame in Fritz Lang’s noir classic The Big Heat (1953)
Heddy Lamar
Hedy Lamarr in “Lady of the Tropics” 1939
Ida Lupino On Dangerous Ground
Ida Lupino in Nicholas Ray’s On Dangerous Ground (1952)
George Franju’s Judex (1963) with Channing Pollock
Losey's M clown balloon
Joseph Losey’s remake of the classic M (1951) starring David Wayne and a creepy clown balloon.
Mason Arlene Dahl Jounrey To The Center of The Earth
James Mason and Arlene Dahl in Jules Verne’s Journey To the Center of The Earth 1959
Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) Brigitte Helm
Odds against Tomorrow
Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) Directed by Robert Wise staring Robert Ryan, Harry Belafonte, Gloria Grahame and Shelley Winters. Cinematography by Joseph C. Brun
On Dangerous Ground
On Dangerous Ground (1952) Directed by Nicholas Ray & an uncredited Ida Lupino-Starring Ida Lupino and Robert Ryan
Robert Ryan in odds against tomorrow
Odds Against Tomorrow (1959) Robert Ryan as racist ex-con Earle Slater and Mel Stewart (Henry Jefferson) as Hotel Juno’s Elevator Operator.
Sleep My Love
Douglas Sirk’s Sleep My Love (1948) Starring lovely Claudette Colbert, Robert Cummings & Don Ameche
Archie Mayo’s Svengali (1931) starring Lionel Barrymore & Marian Marsh
The Citadel Carol Lombard
Carole Lombard stars in Vigil in the Night (1940) directed by George Stevens
the mask of diijon-von stroheim
Lew Landers’ The Mask of Diijon (1949) starring Erich von Stroheim and Jeanne Bates
Rita Hayworth in The Lady from Shanghai 1947
Fernando Méndez’s The Vampire’s Coffin (1958) starring Abel Salazar and Ariadna Welter
woman's prison
Lewis Seiler’s Women’s Prison 1955 starring Ida Lupino, Cleo Moore, Jan Sterling, Audrey Totter, and pictured here Phyllis Thaxter