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Ed Beaumont (Alan Ladd)–“You see the Observer Paul?”
Paul Madvig (Brian Donlevy)-“Yeah”
Paul Madvig –“Look do we have to go through that well well routine again.”
Ed Beaumont–“Not if you don't want to”
Paul Madvig–“Oh Ed Stop getting your tonsils in an uproar I've had the newspapers after me for years and I'm still sit-in' pretty”
Ed Beaumont– “You ever try sit-in pretty in an electric chair.”

Jeff (William Bendix)–“Hey, Rusty, Little Rubber Ball is back. I told you he liked the way we bounced him around.”
I recall this one having a few prime lines that made me chuckle, so I do need to see it again at some point (it’s TCM reminder time!).
Lake Ladd Bendix = Unholy Trinity