This is the last gasp of air we’ll all be able to settle down from the week’s excitement! No more buzzers under your seats, or skeletons in the cellar. No more Ballyhoo and Fanfare… at least until the next time… You’ve all been so swell, I feel all tingly inside… uh oh. Nah it’s just the warm glow of appreciation to so many wonderful and brilliant bloggers who turned out to help Terri and I celebrate the greatest showman of em all… I hope you all had fun. I know we did. And please, keep William Castle in your hearts and every once in a while dust off one of his fabulous motion pictures and make a night of it with the entire family. He lived to entertain you, I hope we did the same…
Here at The Last Drive In I’ll be featuring the fabulous Dorian from Tales of the Easily Distracted – with a zany romp: The Spirit is Willing (1967)
Fritzi (Gwen) from Movies Silently is going to wow us (silently from the projection booth of course) with, After the Silents: Chills! Thrills! William Castle Special!
Then Jeff Kuykendall of Midnight Only is going to be all creepy crawly with his feature on Bug (1975)
David Arrate of My Kind of Story "“is going to dazzle us with ‘Its a Small World Malcolm Shanks’
Classic Film and TV Cafe A William Castle Double Feature: The Tingler and Mr. Sardonicus- An Undertaker Is Standing By In Case You Die Of Fright!
Misty of Cinema Schminema is going to thrill us with Project X (1968)
and finally The Nitrate Diva -is getting all mysterious noir on us with Castle’s Betrayed aka When Strangers Marry (1944)
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures wants to show appreciation for some of her fellow bloggers with ‘recommended reading’
A little something for your Nightmare’s from The Phantom Erik  Episode 048: The Tingler (1959 Podcast
With Love to you Mr. William Castle-From all of us and your ever lovin’ MonsterGirl- Joey! Good Night-
Aurora at Once upon a screen… The Night Walker (’64)
Rich at Wide Screen World: Top 5 William Castle Gimmicks
Le at Critica Retro: Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven (’48) ‘Live Dreaming’
Furious Cinema: William Castle: Mad as Hell Movie Showman
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Favorite Things About… House on Haunted Hill
Forgotten Films: Macabre (’58)
Barry at Cinematic Catharsis: 13 Ghosts (’60)
Joey at The Last Drive In: House on Haunted Hill (’59) ‘Only the ghosts in this house are glad we’re here’
Goregirl’s Dungeon: Fun with GIFS: The William Castle Edition
David Arrate of My Kind of Story  It's a Small World (1950) ‘Image Gallery’
The Last Drive In– William Castle’s Villains & Victims! Scream-O Vision…
Ivan of Thrilling Days of Yesteryear & Radio Spirits: The Whistler, Mark of the Whistler, Voice of The Whistler
Heather Drain at Mondo Heather: 13 Frightened Girls! (1963) & Hullabaloo & Horror: A Tribute to William Castle
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Matinee (1993) A Cinematic Love Letter to the films of William Castle
Karen at Shadows and Satin: Mysterious Intruder (1946)
Kristina at Speakeasy: The Houston Story (1956)
Ray at Weird Flix: Slaves of Babylon (1953)
The Metzinger Sisters at Silver Scenes: Busy Bodies: Promoting Castle’s Camp” & The Films of William Castle!
Ivan G. Shreve at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: The Chance of a Lifetime (1943) {Boston Blackie}
Goregirl's Dungeon:The Women of Castle
Brian Schuck at Films From Beyond The Time Barrier:Strait-Jacket (1964) ‘Mommie Dearest please put down that axe!”
Joey that’s me at The Last Drive In: Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949)
Rob Silvera at The Midnight Monster Show: Double feature Homicidal (1961) & House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Macabre (1958)
Goregirl’s Duneon– Goregirl’s Dungeon on YouTube: Alex North & Vic Mizzy‘
Steve Habrat at Anti Film School: Mr Sardonicus (1961)
Classic Movie Hub: The Busy Body (1967)
John LarRue at The Droid You’re Looking For: William Castle Gimmick Infographic
Paul Lambertson at Lasso the Movies: The Tingler (1959)
Goregirl's Dungeon: Favourite Five Series: William Castle
David Arrate at My Kind of Story/Images Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Tribute to “The King of the Corn” William Castle
Scenes From The Morgue: Showcase of newspaper ads for William Castle films
Stacia at She Blogged By Night: Let’s Kill Uncle (1966)
Ruth- R.A Kerr at Silver Screenings: The Old Dark House (1963)
Ivan G. Shreve at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: I Saw What You Did (1965)
Ray at Weird Flix: The Saracen Blade (1954)
Toby Roan at 50 Westerns: The Law vs Billy the Kid (1954)
Misty Layne at Cinema Schminema: Project X (1968)
Jenna Berry at Classic Movie Night: Ghost Story/Circle of Fear
Classic Film and TV Cafe A William Castle Double Feature: The Tingler and Mr. Sardonicus- An Undertaker Is Standing By In Case You Die Of Fright!
Kristen at Journeys in ClassicFilm: Spine-Tingler: The William Castle Story
Joey at The Last Drive In: Back Story: What Ever Happened to William Castle’s Baby? (Rosemary’s Baby)
Jeff Kuykendall at Midnight Only: Bug (1975)
LIndsey The Motion Pictures: ‘Recommended Reading-William Caslte Blogathon’
Gwen Kramer at Movies Silently: After the Silents: Chills! Thrills! William Castle Special!
David Arrate at My Kind of Story-Images: ‘It’s a small world Malcolm Shanks part one’
The Nitrate Diva: Betrayed aka When Strangers Marry (1944)
Dorian Tenore Bartilucci at Tales of the Easily Distracted: The Spirit is Willing (1967) William Castle in Duo-Vision! The Spirit is Willing and ZOTZ!
Vinnie Bartilucci at Tales of the Easily Distracted: ZOTZ! (1962 William Castle in Duo-Vision! The Spirit is Willing and ZOTZ!
Sam at Wonders in the Dark: Krzysztof Komeda’s Score, Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Today I’m pleased to feature -Ruth at Silver Screenings with her spot on navigation of The Old Dark House 1963.
I’m so excited I didn’t scare the ‘you know what’ out of Classic Movie Hub who’s is bringing us The Busy Body (1967)
Paul at Lasso the Movies is going to tackle The Tingler (1959)"¨ Let’s hope he screams loud enough!
FIRST: Watch this warning from William Castle just so you know what you’re getting into!
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures -is going to pay Tribute to ‘The King of the Corn’ William Castle
Ray at Weird Flix -is offering us another spectacle with The Saracen Blade (1954)
Aurora at Once upon a screen... The Night Walker (’64)
Rich at Wide Screen World: Top 5 William Castle Gimmicks
Le at Critica Retro: Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven (’48) ‘Live Dreaming’
Furious Cinema: William Castle: Mad as Hell Movie Showman
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Favorite Things About… House on Haunted Hill
Forgotten Films: Macabre (’58)
Barry at Cinematic Catharsis: 13 Ghosts (’60)
Joey at The Last Drive In: House on Haunted Hill (’59) ‘Only the ghosts in this house are glad we’re here’
Goregirl’s Dungeon: Fun with GIFS: The William Castle Edition
David Arrate of My Kind of Story  It's a Small World (1950) ‘Image Gallery’
The Last Drive In– William Castle’s Villains & Victims! Scream-O Vision…
Ivan of Thrilling Days of Yesteryear & Radio Spirits: The Whistler, Mark of the Whistler, Voice of The Whistler
Heather Drain at Mondo Heather: 13 Frightened Girls! (1963) & Hullabaloo & Horror: A Tribute to William Castle
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Matinee (1993) A Cinematic Love Letter to the films of William Castle
Karen at Shadows and Satin: Mysterious Intruder (1946)
Kristina at Speakeasy: The Houston Story (1956)
Ray at Weird Flix: Slaves of Babylon (1953)
The Metzinger Sisters at Silver Scenes: Busy Bodies: Promoting Castle’s Camp” & The Films of William Castle!
Ivan G. Shreve at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: The Chance of a Lifetime (1943) {Boston Blackie}
Goregirl's Dungeon:The Women of Castle
Brian Schuck at Films From Beyond The Time Barrier:Strait-Jacket (1964) ‘Mommie Dearest please put down that axe!”
Joey that’s me at The Last Drive In: Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949)
Rob Silvera at The Midnight Monster Show: Double feature Homicidal (1961) & House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Macabre (1958)
Goregirl’s Duneon– Goregirl’s Dungeon on YouTube: Alex North & Vic Mizzy‘
Steve Habrat at Anti Film School: Mr Sardonicus (1961)
Classic Movie Hub: The Busy Body (1967)
John LarRue at The Droid You’re Looking For: William Castle Gimmick Infographic
Paul Lambertson at Lasso the Movies: The Tingler (1959)
Goregirl's Dungeon: Favourite Five Series: William Castle
David Arrate at My Kind of Story/Images Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Tribute to “The King of the Corn” William Castle
Scenes From The Morgue: Showcase of newspaper ads for William Castle films
Stacia at She Blogged By Night: Let’s Kill Uncle (1966)
Ruth- R.A Kerr at Silver Screenings: The Old Dark House (1963)
Ivan G. Shreve at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: I Saw What You Did (1965)
Ray at Weird Flix: The Saracen Blade (1954)
Toby Roan at 50 Westerns: The Law vs Billy the Kid (1954)
Misty Layne at Cinema Schminema: Project X (1968)
Jenna Berry at Classic Movie Night: Ghost Story/Circle of Fear
Kristen at Journeys in Classic Film: Spine-Tingler: The William Castle Story
Joey at The Last Drive In: Back Story: What Ever Happened to William Castle’s Baby? (Rosemary’s Baby)
Jeff Kuykendall at Midnight Only: Bug (1975)
Gwen Kramer at Movies Silently: After the Silents: Chills! Thrills! William Castle Special!
David Arrate at My Kind of Story-Images: Shanks (1974) & Masterson of Kansas (1954)
The Nitrate Diva: When Strangers Marry (1944)
Dorian Tenore Bartilucci at Tales of the Easily Distracted: The Spirit is Willing (1967)
Vinnie Bartilucci at Tales of the Easily Distracted:Zotz! (1962)
Sam at Wonders in the Dark: Christopher Komeda’s Score, Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
“I think he was a wonderful director. He followed his dreams, and after all he was right.”–Marcel Marceau
On July 29th 1959 American Producer/Director & Screenwriter William Castle premiered (click on link to read my past post) The Tingler in the US to theater goers. The audience had the underside of their seats rigged with electric buzzers which were activated at the moment Vincent Price cautions them “Ladies and gentlemen, please do not panic. But scream! Scream for your lives! The stunt was named ‘Percepto’ and once the projectionist got his cue to let the current rip, people in the audience got a mild jolt to their tuchus and their money’s worth of chills and thrills!
The urbane Vincent Price plays Dr. Warren Chapin a man driven by a curiosity to find out the source of the mysteriously evil force that creates the SENSATION of fear. He discovers an organism called"¦ The Tingler which manifests itself at the base of the spine when one is experiencing abject fear. The Tingler can only be subdued by the act of screaming.
In his memoirs Step Right Up! I’m Gonna Scare the Pants Off America he talks about the people who got their gluteus maximus’ buzzed with a small electric shock. Castle went as far as to hire fake “screamers and fainters” that he planted in the audience who would then be carted away on a gurney by “nurses” who were situated out in the lobby ready to put them in an ambulance parked outside the theater. This gimmick definitely outshines the last publicity scheme for his first chiller film touted with fanfare in which he offered a certificate for a $1,000 life insurance policy from Lloyd’s of London in case they should die of fright during his picture Macabre (1958) a film he felt inspired to make after seeing the success of Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Diabolique (1955)Â
Growing up in the 60s and 70s my childhood was filled with the sort of wonderful attractiveness William Castle’s shenanigans fostered in my yearning imagination. His films wouldn’t really be considered frightening by anyone’s standards today, but if you were a kid watching television on a rainy Saturday afternoon way back when, and suddenly you were thrust into a world where wearing whacky goggles would allow you to see wild ghosts wreaking havoc in an old eerie mansion in 13 Ghosts, or a disembodied hand rising up from a bath of brilliant red blood in an otherwise black and white landscape in The Tingler, or that moment when Nora Manning sees Mrs.Slydes the blind housekeeper who glides past her, a crone like harbinger of death, or those jaunty little party favors in the shape of coffins containing guns for the guests in House on Haunted Hill, with the added sensational musical scores and atmospherics you’d know the thrill and nostalgic glow that washes over you because William Castle made himself a presence quite like Hitchcock who was invested in bringing us into their world of fear and getting us excited about it!
Castle’s films have left an indelible mark on so many of us, not to mention the incredible movie stars and character actors who inhabited his memorable films, like Vincent Price, Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck, Shelley Winters, Sid Caesar, Ann Baxter, Robert Ryan, Richard Conte, Julie Adams, Rock Hudson, Rhonda Fleming Robert Taylor, Guy Rolfe, Janette Scott, William Prince, Judith Evelyn, Audrey Dalton, Margaret Hamilton, Tom Poston and Elisha Cook Jr. and so many more…
Keep in mind, he produced my favorite film of all time, which I’ve been planning to do a major feature on down the road. The transcendent mind blowing tribute to paranoia and motherhood, Rosemary’s Baby 1968, thank god he decided to let Polanski direct, but still he was the man behind the masterpiece.
And Castle didn’t just do scary campy joyrides, if you look at his filmography you’ll see an array of film noir & mysteries like Hollywood Story (1951),The Fat Man (1951) Undertow (1949) series’ like The Crime Doctor & The Whistler, adventures like Serpent of the Nile (1953), with Rhonda Fleming. Westerns, television series and screwball comedies too like The Busy Body (1967) starring Sid Caesar, Robert Ryan and Ann Baxter , so if you’re a scaredy cat no worries there’s plenty to cover for everybody!
William Castle is one of THE most recognizable showman of film camp, purveyor of cheap chills, the maestro of gimmickry! In a time when the censors were becoming more lax and psycho-sexual themes were infiltrating the cinematic frontier, the trumpets were hailing Castle to step right up and create his own uniquely tacky ballyhoo! Sometimes kitschy, at times quite jolting and paralyzing, so many of us were marvelously effected by the collective tawdry Schadenfreude.
And so I got to thinking– geez it’ll be the 54th anniversary of that Spine-Tingling fun house ride of B-Movie schlockery and what better way to tribute the P.T. Barnum of Classic B-Movie fanfare than to co-host a blogathon with the witty and well versed Terri McSorley of Goregirl’s Dungeon.Â
Castle opens up The Tingler with this fabulous warning to the audience:
I was going to wait and announce the blogathon officially on May 31st which will be the anniversary of Castle’s death in 1977, but we all seem so excited about this, I thought I better get on it and post the details and start the Tingler climbing up our proverbial collective spines! And what a great bunch contributing too!
The William Castle Blogathon runs from July 29th through August 2nd, 2013 and is Co-hosted by Joey (MonsterGirl) of The Last Drive In and Terri of Goregirl’s Dungeon.
The list of films and contributors are below: We’ll narrow down the dates each person will publish their post a little further down the road. I don’t want to be too restrictive about films being covered twice as everyone has their own unique perspective. There’s still a bunch of films not chosen yet so please consider widening the scope of our celebration by tackling a lesser known film of Bills! All are welcome, if you’re interesting in joining the ride, please contact me!
Please grab any banners for the blogathon and use them on your site if you’d like!
There’s also no constraints on how long your piece should be. As you know I tend to be really long winded myself. If you have any questions at all, like if you’d prefer your name displayed differently please always feel free to drop me a line at or leave a comment here:
(Lindsey)-The Motion Pictures –Tribute &
(Gwen) Movies Silently– The Crime Doctor & The Whistler
(Dorian) Tales of the Easily Distracted– The Spirit is Willing (1967)
(Vinnie) Tales of the Easily Distracted –Zotz! (1962)
(Stacia) She Blogged By Night –Let’s Kill Uncle (1966)
(David Arrate)- My Kind of Story-Images – Shanks (1974) & Masterson of Kansas (1954) and It’s a Small World (1950)
(Brian Schuck) Films From Beyond The Time Barrier– Strait-Jacket (1964)
(Joey-MonsterGirl!) The Last Drive In –House on Haunted Hill (1959) & Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949) & Back Story: What Ever Happened to William Castle’s Baby? (Rosemary’s Baby)
(Kristina)-Speakeasy– The Houston Story (1956)
(Paul)-Lasso the Movies– The Tingler (1959)
Goregirl’s Dungeon – ‘The Women of Castle”, tribute to musical scores &
(Steve Habrat) Anti Film School –Mr Sardonicus (1961)
(Ruth) –Silver Screenings– The Old Dark House (1963)
(Rob Silvera) The Midnight Monster Show– Homicidal (1961) & House on Haunted Hill (1959)
(Aurora) Once Upon a Screen… – The Night Walker (1964)
Classic Movie Hub– The Busy Body (1967)
(Karen) Shadows and Satin– Mysterious Intruder (1946)
The Nitrate Diva– When Strangers Marry (1944)
(Jenna Berry) Classic Movie Night Ghost Story/Circle of Fear
Forgotten Films-Macabre (1958)
(Kristen) Journeys in Classic Film Spine-Tingler: The William Castle Story
(Heather Drain) Mondo Heather– 13 Frightened Girls!(1963) & Bio
(Barry) Cinematic Catharsis –13 Ghosts (1960)
(Misty Layne) Cinema Schminema – Project X (1968)
(Ivan) Thrilling Days of Yesteryear-Â The Chance of a Lifetime (1943){Boston Blackie} & I Saw What You Did (1965)Â
(Rich) Wide Screen World – “Top 5 William Castle gimmicks”
(John LarRue) The Droid You’re Looking For- “Visual Feature-(various films)”
(Sam) Wonders in the Dark- Rosemary’s Baby (’68)
(Jeff Kuykendall) Midnight Only– Bug (1975)
(Le) Critica Retro– Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven (1948)
(Toby Roan)- 50 Westerns The Law vs Billy the Kid (1954)
(The Metzinger Sisters) Silver Scenes “Busy Bodies: Promoting Castle’s Camp” & The Films of William Castle!
(Ray) Weird Flix -Slaves of Babylon (1953) & The Saracen Blade (1954)
And a special thanks to David Arrate at My Kind of Story for these banners!
Directed by William Castle, written by Robb White, and starring Vincent Price, as Dr. Warren Chapin, Patricia Cutts as Isabel Stevens Chapin, Judith Evelyn as Martha Higgins, Philip Coolidge as Ollie Higgins, Darryl Hickman as David Morris, Chapin’s young assistant pathologist, and Pamela Lincoln as Lucy Stevens. Von Dexter’s ominous score helps paint the creepy and menacing atmosphere.
Urbane master of horror Vincent Price stars in one of William Castle’s atmospheric carnival rides as Dr. Warren Chapin, a pathologist whose milieu is the autopsies of executed prisoners from the State prison.
Chapin is driven by a curiosity to find out the source of the mysteriously evil force that creates the SENSATION of fear, and so he sparks a theory that there is an organism called… The Tingler manifests itself at the base of the spine when one is experiencing abject fear. The Tingler however is subdued by the act of screaming. This nightmare from the vertebral id looks like a giant centipede or a flat lobster with mandibles, lots of legs, and armored scales.
Each of us is inhabited by one of these creepy crawling death grippers, which grow larger as our fear expands, but because of our ability to scream, it lays dormant, incognito, and in repose at the base of our spines.
At first, Chapin locks himself in his lab, experimenting by taking doses of LSD and trying to induce fear first in stray cats and then in himself.
So it goes until Chapin meets Ollie and Martha Higgins who own a revival silent movie theater, and oh yes, Martha happens to be a deaf-mute, who also has an extreme phobia of the sight of blood.
As you know, I adore Judith Evelyn and am not very happy when it’s suggested that Chapin injects her with some LSD instead of a sedative in order to induce some nightmarish experiences, in which Martha will not be able to ‘scream’ therefore unable to suppress the little monster waiting to grip her when the moment of fear takes hold…
In one of the most memorable classic horror movie sequences, Martha (Evelyn) during her presumed lysergic acid journey is stalked through her modest, bleak, and sinister apartment by a ghoulish phantom, who hurls a hatchet at her and then maneuvers her into the bathroom, where blood runs from the sink taps and the white porcelain tub fills with actual red-colored blood (the film is of course in B&W) An arm rises from the tub and clutches toward Martha, who is in the throws of primeval fear, made all the more brutal by the fact that she cannot utter a sound thus not… scream out!
Dying of fright on the bathroom floor, Ollie wraps her up in a sheet and brings her to Dr. Chapin’s house. Sensible, skip the police and straight to the autopsy I say!
Chapin had figured that Martha’s extreme fear would enable the Tingler to grow to its veritable actual size, and thus give him the opportunity to catch a living specimen, by slicing open Martha’s back and peeling the monster from her spinal column.
Having set out to try his experiment, he was unaware that husband Ollie equipped with a ghoul mask, axe, and tub filled with tomato red blood ( in a B & W film, using special focus lenses for the colored sequences) was plotting to scare his poor wife to death, and appropriate Chapin’s LSD inducing experiment to frighten Martha to death.
Once Chapin has the Tingler, Ollie takes his de-tinglered wife back home and Chapin’s wife Isabel (Price always seems to have a scheming hussy for a wife in these flicks) slips him a Mickey and lets loose the Tingler on her unconscious husband, which proceeds to clutch at his throat like a tick on a sunny august hound dog. Luckily sister-in-law Lucy arrives just in time to… SCREAM!
The Tingler lets go of its death grip, Chapin puts the thing in a pet carrier and goes off to Ollie’s apartment to put the darn thing back onto Martha’s backbone. He soon realizes that Ollie murdered his wife, a fight ensues, and the Tingler gets loose, slipping through the floorboards, and is now inside the movie house looking for someone to death grip!
From Guilty Pleasures of The Horror Film page 137- Article by Tom Weaver
William Castle had told Price that:
“Usually people who are frightened scream, and that keeps their Tingler from growing. Judith Evelyn will play a deaf-mute who runs a silent movie theater. Experimenting you scare the hell out of her, but because she can’t utter a sound she’s unable to scream-her Tingler grows, crushing her to death, you operate, remove the Tingler from her spine, but it escapes and gets into the silent movie theater. Well then, make believe that the theater is actually where the picture is playing…all hell breaks loose!”
In Weaver’s article, he discusses the waning horror movie genre after WWII and how Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Diabolique in 1955 was at the vanguard of cinema.
Castle was so impressed with how much the younger audiences had a hunger to be scared pantless, that supposedly it was this French thriller, that inspired Castle to try scaring the pants off audiences as well.
Many a Film Noir was tinged with elements of the horrific, with dark undertones and psychological angles that became very influential in American and British cinema. Where else did darker cinema have to go in order to funnel its often transgressive, unorthodox, taboo energies but through the Psychotronic, Cult, or B-Movie horror genres?
Around the time of Clouzot’s macabre masterpiece, there were also some very unsettling dark-psychological themed offerings such as Autumn Leaves 1956, The Night Holds Terror 1955, The Three Faces of Eve 1957, A Cry in The Night 1956, Cast A Dark Shadow 1955, The Killer is Loose 1956, The Snorkel 1958, Edge of Fury 1958, Screaming Mimi 1958 and Tennessee William’s emotionally violent Suddenly, Last Summer 1959 which suggested cannibalism, devouring motherhood and Oedipal rage.
Screaming Mimi 1958 Part II: “The way he looks after her, you’d think a bossom was something unique”
Just a little later in the early 60s, I think of The Strangler with Victor Buono in 1964 or Grant Williams in The Couch in 1962, The Nanny in 1965, or The Naked Kiss 1964 which filtrated pretty grotesque narratives of, Pedophilia, deranged psychosis, incest and again, the Oedipus complex.
Aldrich had ushered in a whole new persona for Bette Davis and Joan Crawford with his Grand Dame Guignol tour de force, What Ever Happened To Baby Jane 1962.
The trumpets were hailing for Castle to step up and create his own uniquely tacky ballyhoo! While not Freud in the inkwell, certainly at least some kitschy Schadenfreude.
Castle could see that young Americans were starving for entertainment that was part horrific and a little exhibitionist. He purchased a copy on the cheap of a horror/mystery novel called The Marble Forest and got television writer Robb White to put a screenplay together, and hey while they were at it, why not give it a french sounding title as a tout to Diabolique!
That’s when they released Macabre 1958 which actually didn’t come until 3 years after the release of Diabolique. Weaver doubts Castle’s accuracy about certain details in his relatings about the series of events but then again William Castle was admittedly a showman, a huckster, the PT Barnum of Horror films, and didn’t deny that he could tell big whoppers at times. It was all in fun…!
There are even conflicting stories as to how the project for The Tingler came about. White who also wrote the script for House on Haunted Hill claims that it was makeup man Jack Dusick who showed White a foot-long rubber worm that he had created. “This worm, it haunted you… it scared you!!!”
White thought about the idea and went to Castle and told him that they should find out “where fear comes from” and they’ll use the WORM!
Actually, the concept of FEAR itself becomes a vital character to the narrative of The Tingler, although I’m sure Castle couldn’t give a hoot about the real ‘why’ more likely it was the ‘how’ to go about doing the ‘how’! He was more of the discount provocateur than an auteur. He had vision, it was just in 3D.
According to Castle, he asked an artist at Columbia’s art department what a Tingler should look like, ” Sort of like a lobster but flat, and instead of claws, it has long slimy feelers!”
Of course, the cast thought the script preposterous, but Price always approached anything he did with style, and an urbane dignity.
White had written that they couldn’t find anything to make the Tingler look more frightening until Castle (Bill) came in one morning with a small vibrator which eventually saved the picture.
It was his idea to take out all the motors from thousands of vibrators and screw them under the theater seats, then rig everything up at crucial moments so that the audience would suddenly begin vibrating in waves, six rows at a time!
Again, whether this is true or not, Castle claims he got the idea one night after he got a violent electrical shock from changing a light bulb on his bedside table. William Castle wrote in his Step Right Up! “I’m going to buzz the asses of everyone in America!”Â
By installing little motors under the seats of every theater in the country, the projectionist would get the special cues on the film itself, then press a button once the Tingler appears on screen to ‘jolt’ the audience, leading them to believe that the Tingler was loose in the actual theater!
Dona Holloway the Associate to the Producer dubbed the process PERCEPTO!
Now that I’m back in the NYC area, I have to see if the Film Forum on Houston Street still runs their horror/sci-fi/fantasy Festivals. Years ago, I happened to catch a showing of The Maze 1953 where they passed out 3D glasses to the audience. At one time the Film Forum ran The Tingler complete with Percepto! I would love to have had my ass in one of those seats…
As far as Robb White, he considered these films dumb, “I hated ’em” and “And for years didn’t see some of the films I made with Bill Castle. I mean they’re so dumb God!- there’s not a worm in your backbone when you get scared.”
It’s been a SCREAM!-MonsterGirl…!
PETER CUSHING- The Curse of Frankenstein 1957
Leo G Carroll playing with the forces of nature
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