It’s October at The Last Drive In!

You know, around this time in October each year, I like to do something a little special spooky to celebrate the coming of All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween, or Samhain for those of us of the Wiccan faith.

To keep up with my tribute to those memorable Scream Queens, I’m now up to the 1970s. In the next few weeks, I’ll be publishing my deep dive into that decade’s iconic femmes of fright. In the meantime, I’ll treat you all to a few tidbits here and there. Perhaps a few Trailers to Keep the Boogeyman Away or a Saturday Night Surreal: The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre 1964 TV Movie.

We’ll see what sneaks up on me! So stay tuned; I’ll be back. Grab some candy corn and please eat a little bit at a time; that crap’ll make you sick to your stomach. – Your EverLovin’ Joey saying, watch this sweet little guy in the meantime

Retro Television Ragbag ?


Some of the great Saul Bass original title designs for shows like Quinn Martin Productions by Lee Goldberg, or evocative series scores from such notable composers as Billy Goldenberg, Jerry Goldsmith, Cyril Mockeridge, Pete Rugulo, Lynn Murray, John Williams, Dave Grusin, Nelson Riddle and more…!

Sit back and enjoy almost 3 hours of retro television intros from the 1960s to the 1970s. With a smattering of vintage commercials thrown in for your amusement! It’s the perfect backdrop when your looking to draw the whimsy of nostalgia up your flue!

See you ’round the snack bar… next up my interview with the legendary Lee Grant!