We’re so thrilled to see you again. Even this guy is filled with exuberance can’t you tell!
It’s now three days since we’ve all got caught up in the ballyhoo, gimmickry, thrills and chills of the wonderful man that is William Castle! Today- I’m pleased (as Ruth at the house on haunted hill would say) as ‘Scotch and…’ to offer you these fabulous bloggers for your consideration…
So stay where you are… don’t go anywhere just yet
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures is going to get all Macabre (1958) on us also…

With great anticipation being a musician myself, I offer you ‘Goregirl’s Dungeon on YouTube: Alex North & Vic Mizzy‘

So–bring a knife, a strait-jacket and a gun over to Terri’s place at GOREGIRL’S DUNGEON where she’ll be hosting these fine folks!
Rob Silvera of The Midnight Monster Show, Brian Schuck of Films From Beyond the Time Barrier
And… me MonsterGirl- but I aint no Stool Pigeon…
Goregirl’s just letting me talk about William Castle’s Johnny Stool Pigeon 1949 – so show up or we’ll send The Tingler after you… or worse even…!
And the Spine-Tinglers Are:
Monday, July 29th:
Aurora at Once upon a screen… The Night Walker (’64)
Rich at Wide Screen World: Top 5 William Castle Gimmicks
Le at Critica Retro: Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven (’48) ‘Live Dreaming’
Furious Cinema: William Castle: Mad as Hell Movie Showman
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Favorite Things About… House on Haunted Hill
Forgotten Films: Macabre (’58)
Barry at Cinematic Catharsis: 13 Ghosts (’60)
Joey at The Last Drive In: House on Haunted Hill (’59) ‘Only the ghosts in this house are glad we’re here’
Goregirl’s Dungeon: Fun with GIFS: The William Castle Edition
Tuesday, July 30th:
David Arrate of My Kind of Story  It's a Small World (1950) ‘Image Gallery’
The Last Drive In– William Castle’s Villains & Victims! Scream-O Vision…
Ivan of Thrilling Days of Yesteryear) & Radio Spirits: The Whistler, Mark of the Whistler, Voice of The Whistler
Heather Drain at Mondo Heather: 13 Frightened Girls! (1963) & Hullabaloo & Horror: A Tribute to William Castle
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Matinee (1993) A Cinematic Love Letter to the films of William Castle
Karen at Shadows and Satin: Mysterious Intruder (1946)
Kristina at Speakeasy: The Houston Story (1956)
Ray at Weird Flix: Slaves of Babylon (1953)
The Metzinger Sisters at Silver Scenes: Busy Bodies: Promoting Castle’s Camp” & The Films of William Castle!
Ivan G. Shreve at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: The Chance of a Lifetime (1943) {Boston Blackie}
Goregirl's Dungeon:The Women of Castle
Wednesday, July 31st:
Brian Schuck at Films From Beyond The Time Barrier:Strait-Jacket (1964) ‘Mommie Dearest please put down that axe!”
Joey that’s me at The Last Drive In: Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949)
Rob Silvera at The Midnight Monster Show: Double feature Homicidal (1961) & House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures: Macabre (1958)
Goregirl’s Duneon– Goregirl’s Dungeon on YouTube: Alex North & Vic Mizzy‘
Thursday, August 1st:
Steve Habrat at Anti Film School: Mr Sardonicus (1961)
Classic Movie Hub: The Busy Body (1967)
John LarRue at The Droid You’re Looking For: William Castle Gimmick Infographic
Paul Lambertson at Lasso the Movies: The Tingler (1959)
Goregirl's Dungeon: Favourite Five Series: William Castle
Lindsey at The Motion Pictures:Tribute
Scenes From The Morgue:Showcase of newspaper ads for William Castle films
Stacia at She Blogged By Night: Let’s Kill Uncle (1966)
Ruth- R.A Kerr at Silver Screenings: The Old Dark House (1963)
Ivan G. Shreve at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: I Saw What You Did (1965)
Ray at Weird Flix: The Saracen Blade (1954)
Friday, August 2nd:
Toby Roan at 50 Westerns: The Law vs Billy the Kid (1954)
Misty Layne at Cinema Schminema: Project X (1968)
Jenna Berry at Classic Movie Night: Ghost Story/Circle of Fear
Kristen at Journeys in Classic Film: Spine-Tingler: The William Castle Story
Joey at The Last Drive In: Back Story: What Ever Happened to William Castle’s Baby? (Rosemary’s Baby)
Jeff Kuykendall at Midnight Only: Bug (1975)
Gwen Kramer at Movies Silently: After the Silents: Chills! Thrills! William Castle Special!
David Arrate at My Kind of Story-Images: Shanks (1974) & Masterson of Kansas (1954)
The Nitrate Diva: When Strangers Marry (1944)
Dorian Tenore Bartilucci at Tales of the Easily Distracted: The Spirit is Willing (1967)
Vinnie Bartilucci at Tales of the Easily Distracted:Zotz! (1962)
Sam at Wonders in the Dark: Christopher Komeda’s Score, Rosemary’s Baby (1968)