MonsterGirl’s 150 Days of Classic Horror: #2 “Alice Sweet Alice” (1976)


This post is part of Monstergirl’s 150 Days of Classic Horror “One photo, one paragraph challenge for long winded me!”


Alice Sweet Alice film poster

Director/Screenwriter Alfred Sole’s brutal tale of murder and madness that draws heavily on Catholic symbolism, the dark underbelly of American religious zeal and childhood trauma. Incredibly atmospheric and disturbing as the backlash of the supposed sacred and holy premise of family and church become a nightmarish landscape of psychological paroxysm. Paula E. Sheppard plays the very troubled Alice Spages a 12 year old girl who doesn’t quite seem to fit in. She lives with her mother Catherine (Linda Miller) and beautiful younger sister Karen (Brooke Shields) whom Catherine dotes on. One day Karen is murdered in a horrific manner and left inside the church on the day of her holy communion. Of course, all eyes are on the disturbed emotionless Alice. Soon more murders are committed by a savage knife wielding killer in a grotesque clear plastic mask and bright yellow rain coat. One of the best psychological horrors of the 70s! Cat lovers be warned a kitten is killed in this film…
Alice Sweet Alice

2 down 148 left to go!-MonsterGirl

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