Life Lessons From Barney Fife: ‘I Got This Clock in My Stomach’

“Well I happen to have this low sugar blood content, and if I don’t get my lunch by noon I get a headache and I’m no good to anybody.”


It’s a very common thing… clock in the stomach-MonsterGirl

3 thoughts on “Life Lessons From Barney Fife: ‘I Got This Clock in My Stomach’

  1. Joey, as a gal with blood-sugar issues who grew up on THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, “Life Lessons from Barney Fife cracked me up! Thanks for starting Sunday on a funny note!

    P.S.: For those interested, Happy 40th Birthday to my favorite contemporary Best Actor Oscar-winner, Adrien Brody! :-)

    1. Don Knotts is medicine for the soul. Even on my bluest days or darkest nights, he can get a smile out of me. Barney Fife is one of THE most brilliant television characters ever conjured by a man who’s body comedy and gentle nature just makes me happy. I’m glad he cracks you up too. I’m not surprised. Adrien Brody is a dream boat….he’s got that ugly sexy thing they talk about….like my fav Gary Oldman

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