The Last Drive In

Quote of the Day! Blast of Silence (1961)


Blast of Silence film poster

“You were born with hate and anger built in… took a slap on the backside to blast out the scream… and then you knew you were alive!”

Directed by Allen Baron (who worked mostly in television, in particular, Kolchak: The Night Stalker “The Devil’s Platform”, “The Werewolf”, “The Ripper” and shows like Room 222, Barney Miller, and Charlie’s Angels)

This gritty and brutal noir stars Allen Baron as Frankie Bono a professional hitman who returns to New York City for a ‘job’ taking out someone in the mob. Trying to keep a low profile Bono is recognized by a childhood friend from the orphanage and a girl who he used to have feelings for. The contrast between the two extremes shines a drastically divergent light on Bono’s desolate existence. He begins to question his journey as killer. Pet rats and bleak shots photographed by Merrill S. Brody (Violent Women 1960, Terror in the City 1964, The Name of the Game tv series) make for a unique and darkly toned film.

This has been a blast from -Your Ever Lovin’ MonsterGirl



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