The Last Drive In

MonsterGirl & Meleva the Gypsy!

MonsterGirl is on the go! I’ll be back in a few weeks folks! Stay tuned…

I’m about to leave the beautiful coast of Maine and settle in for a while in Caldwell NJ! So MonsterGirl is on the move again, but not silent for long.I’ll be blogging and recording my music soon enough! But while this journey isn’t Wanderlust on my part, it certainly sort of brings out the true gypsy blood in me!!!!

So here’s to Maria Ouspenskaya as Meleva! I don’t have the earrings, but oy do I have the Babooshkas on hand. So hang in there, and I’ll be posting more in the next few weeks, once I get settled into my new digs.

PS: It’s an 110 year old Victorian and I swear it’s haunted!!!! It’ll make for some inspiring posts, I bet!

Maria Ouspenskaya plays Meleva the Gypsy in George Waggner’s 1941 Universal Horror Classic The Wolf Man 1941

Maria Ouspenskaya as Meleva the Gypsy!
Jo Gabriel singer/songwriter-gypsy and part time blogger as MonsterGirl

Written by the prolific Curt Siodmak and starring Lon Chaney Jr. as the ill- fated Lawrence Talbot the Wolfman, Claude Raines as Sir John Talbot Sr and Bela Lugosi as Bela the gypsy! Also starring Evelyn Ankers.

Here’s a to howling successful move to N.J friends!-Joey (MonsterGirl)

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