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Happy Pride 🌈 from The Last Drive In

I had every intention of releasing Queers & Dykes in the Dark: Classic Noir and Horror Cinema’s Coded Gay Characters! in time to celebrate June’s Gay Pride month with you. But as it goes with me somehow, I am always apt to bang my head from time to time. A couple weeks ago I got clobbered by an iron headboard and wound up with one hell of a concussion. So it’s put my writing on hold. Actually it put almost everything on pause, since in order to rest the brain, you must observe stillness nor read, think or do anything physical.

I did try to write against the prescribed wishes of my doctors and Wendy. Needless to say It was like throwing a scrabble board of tiled letters up in the air and watching the scattershot of words fall aimlessly without connection to what my brain was trying to spell out on the computer. Nothing  made sense. My eyes saw one thing and my hands had something else entirely in mind. So this is what they call brain fog eh?

I will have the piece done hopefully in a few weeks/months?, and with the Medrol my Neurologist gave me will help me put sentences back together again without the tremendous effort to refocus my eyes. Then there’s always the post-concussion side effects. One iron bed frame wallops you in the head and your whole writing plan becomes a silent comedy!

And of course, this constant pain in my skull has been so distracting I can’t even concentrate on the word concentrate.

Your Ever Lovin’ Joey saying I’m standing with you my sisters and brothers in arms and see ya real soon, and say… watch your heads!

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